What you get from us

Our big Advantage

The big advantage of our small group learning environment and caring teaching style of our professionals means that you get the knowledge, skills and practical ideas you need to hit the ground running when you qualify. You’ll see what this meant to Katrina McEwan and Tamara Baird just two of our success stories and we’d naturally love you to join them.

Please go to our experts section to learn why the CAE/Career Fitness is the best choice for you and you’ll see the calibre of our instructors who include some of the biggest names in the fitness industry.

It goes without saying that our courses are internationally recognised and graduates work for all the big names in the industry like Fitness First, YMCA, Fenix, Council Gyms, Genesis and many boutique Gymnasiums and Personal Training Studios.

By the way, we are proud of our “ask anyone guarantee” which means you can speak to any of our graduates about their course experience. We are completely confident that they’ll say that “it was just the best!”


When you graduate you'll receive your nationally recognised qualification, issued under the Australian Qualifications Framework. You'll also receive a statement detailing the units of competencies you have attained during the course.

As the CAE is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), your qualifications and statements of attainment are automatically recognised by other RTOs, and can earn you credit for training courses throughout Australia.