Do You Make The Money You Think You Are Worth As A Personal Trainer?
Last year at the Filex National Fitness Convention I was asked to present this workshop. The session was limited the number of people who could fit in the room which was 180, and it was sold out! Since then, I have had phone call, after phone call, after phone call asking me to do the workshop again.
Because almost every personal trainer in the entire world would love to find out how to do less training and make more money. This program shows you how.
You see the problem for most trainers is they know how to train they just don’t know how to explode their business and leverage their time.
And really if you are in the training business it’s not about the amount of time you put into training, it’s about the amount of time you have left to enjoy what you get from training.
In this workshop I will show you the ideas, the tips, and yes even the tricks that will turn what you do into a very profitable business. And, I guarantee that I won’t show you one training exercise. The reason is because you already know all of the training exercises that you will ever need help a stack of clients and to make a lot of money.
What I will show you are things that will exercise your brain and get you realising what you can do with your business.
In just 3 hours I will show you things that could add an extra $50,000 to your bottom line over the next 12 months. That’s right I will show you step by step what you need to do to truly run a prosperous and profitable personal training business. You will learn exactly and precisely the systems to build, develop and retain a profitable tribe of loyal clients.
I will clearly explain step by step what you need to do to run a prosperous and profitable personal training business in this exciting seminar.
The seminar will provide you with the systems to build, develop and retain a profitable client base as well as generating endless enthusiastic and committed clients.
5 Reasons You Must Do This Program
1. The 3 things you must have in your Business Plan
2. Why WOWING your clients is the secret to business success
3. How to use Pareto’s proven principle to sky rocket your profits
4. The Secrets to Pain Free Sales
5. 3 CEC’s and 1 PDP point for Fitness Instructor Registration.
- The letter that has generated thousands of referrals and made millions of dollars - The sales script to convert prospects into clients simply and easily
How To have A Prosperous and Profitable Personal Training Business Presenter - Aaron Whear
Aaron Whear is known as the “Fitness Trainers Business Trainer” and is renowned for his practical and profitable solutions for people involved in the fitness industry. His unique approach to the problems fitness businesses face has won him accolades throughout Australia and overseas. The ideas and inspiration he shares have turned many struggling operations into very profitable businesses.
Here Is What People Say About Our Prosperous and Profitable PT Business Workshop
"As a Fitness Director I understand the importance of having a business mentor or coach. Aaron has helped many of my trainers take control of their businesses and achieve the income they desire while having the work / life balance they always wanted. Personally Aaron has helped me expand my knowledge and identified areas to work on the further my career in the fitness industry. If you are looking for a mentor in the fitness industry then look no further. Thank you Aaron."
Ben Webster, Fitness Director, Goodlife Heath Club, Geelong.
"When I needed business advice it made sense to use Aaron as my mentor, he keeps me accountable and is always ready to help you progress in your business when needed. Structure, Systems, Marketing - Aaron can help with it all, regardless of your experience in the industry. Definite returns on your Investment!"
Tim Diegan, Owner, Bodyseek Personal Training, Altona Meadows.
"Initially I needed Aarons help to get the ball rolling – website, marketing, monthly newsletter. I knew this is what I needed to get done but I didn’t know where to start. Aaron pointed me in the right direction and within 8 weeks I was set. Setting goals, prioritising tasks and being held accountable to timelines is exactly what I needed. I have recently reviewed my first 12months in business and I am in a fantastic position. I know I could not have achieved this without Aaron’s help"
Rikki Flanders, Owner, Strength For You Personal Training, Essendon.
"Having Aaron as a business mentor for the past 12 months was one of the best decisions I made. Aaron was someone who could relate to the day to day ups and downs of owning and operating your own PT business. More importantly he was a mentor who could steer me in the direction of my goals in 2103. My decision to get Aaron on board has already paid off immensely. Over the past year I have accomplished so much more because of Aaron’s accountably, as well as his ability to relate and understand my vision."
Matt Daniels, Owner, Fit N Focused, Geelong.
What's The Investment To Start Firing Up Your PT Business?
Your investment to attend this unique event devoted entirely to turbo charging your fitness business is just $149
Australian Institute of Fitness 600 Collins Street Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia
Do You Make The Money You Think You Are Worth As A Personal Trainer?
Last year at the Filex National Fitness Convention I was asked to present this workshop. The session was limited the number of people who could fit in the room which was 180, and it was sold out! Since then, I have had phone call, after phone call, after phone call asking me to do the workshop again.
Because almost every personal trainer in the entire world would love to find out how to do less training and make more money. This program shows you how.
You see the problem for most trainers is they know how to train they just don’t know how to explode their business and leverage their time.
And really if you are in the training business it’s not about the amount of time you put into training, it’s about the amount of time you have left to enjoy what you get from training.
In this workshop I will show you the ideas, the tips, and yes even the tricks that will turn what you do into a very profitable business. And, I guarantee that I won’t show you one training exercise. The reason is because you already know all of the training exercises that you will ever need help a stack of clients and to make a lot of money.
What I will show you are things that will exercise your brain and get you realising what you can do with your business.
In just 3 hours I will show you things that could add an extra $50,000 to your bottom line over the next 12 months. That’s right I will show you step by step what you need to do to truly run a prosperous and profitable personal training business. You will learn exactly and precisely the systems to build, develop and retain a profitable tribe of loyal clients.
I will clearly explain step by step what you need to do to run a prosperous and profitable personal training business in this exciting seminar.
The seminar will provide you with the systems to build, develop and retain a profitable client base as well as generating endless enthusiastic and committed clients.
5 Reasons You Must Do This Program
1. The 3 things you must have in your Business Plan
2. Why WOWING your clients is the secret to business success
3. How to use Pareto’s proven principle to sky rocket your profits
4. The Secrets to Pain Free Sales
5. 3 CEC’s and 1 PDP point for Fitness Instructor Registration.
- The letter that has generated thousands of referrals and made millions of dollars
- The sales script to convert prospects into clients simply and easily
How To have A Prosperous and Profitable Personal Training Business Presenter - Aaron Whear
Here Is What People Say About Our Prosperous and Profitable PT Business Workshop
"As a Fitness Director I understand the importance of having a business mentor or coach. Aaron has helped many of my trainers take control of their businesses and achieve the income they desire while having the work / life balance they always wanted. Personally Aaron has helped me expand my knowledge and identified areas to work on the further my career in the fitness industry. If you are looking for a mentor in the fitness industry then look no further. Thank you Aaron."
Ben Webster, Fitness Director, Goodlife Heath Club, Geelong.
"When I needed business advice it made sense to use Aaron as my mentor, he keeps me accountable and is always ready to help you progress in your business when needed. Structure, Systems, Marketing - Aaron can help with it all, regardless of your experience in the industry. Definite returns on your Investment!"
Tim Diegan, Owner, Bodyseek Personal Training, Altona Meadows.
"Initially I needed Aarons help to get the ball rolling – website, marketing, monthly newsletter. I knew this is what I needed to get done but I didn’t know where to start. Aaron pointed me in the right direction and within 8 weeks I was set. Setting goals, prioritising tasks and being held accountable to timelines is exactly what I needed.
I have recently reviewed my first 12months in business and I am in a fantastic position. I know I could not have achieved this without Aaron’s help"
Rikki Flanders, Owner, Strength For You Personal Training, Essendon.
"Having Aaron as a business mentor for the past 12 months was one of the best decisions I made. Aaron was someone who could relate to the day to day ups and downs of owning and operating your own PT business. More importantly he was a mentor who could steer me in the direction of my goals in 2103. My decision to get Aaron on board has already paid off immensely. Over the past year I have accomplished so much more because of Aaron’s accountably, as well as his ability to relate and understand my vision."
Matt Daniels, Owner, Fit N Focused, Geelong.
What's The Investment To Start Firing Up Your PT Business?
Your investment to attend this unique event devoted entirely to turbo charging your fitness business is just $149
Australian Institute of Fitness
600 Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia